Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Challenge For You

The video below has been making the rounds of Facebook the last couple of days, and it is absolutely wonderful. Maddox and her Mom say so much without uttering a word. And through their efforts, more and more people may come away with a new understanding, a new acceptance, a new view.

So here's my challenge. I think all of us parents of children with disabilities need to produce a similar message - be it through video or pictures. Let's begin to educate others in ways that we haven't used before. Let's grab the attention of this generation of Facebookers/Bloggers/YouTubers/and Tweeters. I know we have all blogged and tweated our stories, but let's see if we can increase our audiences and include people whose lives have yet to be touched by disability. Let's model it after Maddox's message and create a library of information for the digital world. Let's use the tools that the world is using, and let's spread our message of understanding and acceptance.

I would be glad to coordinate the effort, help compile the library, and then market our stories to people who need to see them. What do you say??


  1. I'd be up for telling my story! I do try to educate those around me, but educating others would be great!

  2. Go for it Lauren! I think people would love to hear your story!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...