Monday, March 5, 2012

The Call

My son, Corey, got the call that probably wasn't a surprise, but it was still painful.

His birthmother, a woman that for most of her adult years has been a drug addict and an alcoholic, overdosed on Sunday. She is unresponsive and the doctors say there is significant brain damage. That's all we know right now.

Corey's Aunt headed to Baltimore, and depending on what his Aunt and the doctors suggest, Corey may also be headed there soon.

Although I know in my heart that Corey feels a stong bond with us, his adoptive family, the pain of possibly losing a birth parent is devastating. I want to make it better for him, want to take away the hurt, but I can't.

But Corey is strong and has grown into a fine man. He will make it through whatever happens. I have no doubts about that. But that small child that lives inside us all will always have a tough time when it comes to something this serious.

Please keep Corey and his birthmother in your prayers...

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