Monday, March 12, 2012

Not Enough Seating

Here is a question for those of you who have a wheelchair user in your family. When you go to performances or plays or sports games, how is the handicapped seating handled?

My general impression from the venues we have visited is that a wheelchair user is allowed one companion seat. If our party includes more than just those two people, we have to get seats in some other section. For example, the last time we went to the circus at our city's coliseum, I got two handicapped seats for Ronnie and Ashley, two companion seats for me and Chip, and Corey had to go to another section.

I just really don't think groups of people should have to be separated like that just by virtue of some of the group being wheelchair users.

It's not like the handicapped seats are prime seats. From my family's visit to several different venues, the handicapped seating areas are about in the middle of all the seats. By using those seats, we are not taking special seats away from someone else, and usually we end up paying extra for the handicapped seating.

And just last week, I heard from a mom who was told that no one could sit with her child who was assigned a handicapped seat. No arrangements had been made for companion seating. This child was so excited to see the Lion King show from Broadway, but unfortunately couldn't stay due to the seating issues.

How have you handled this on your outings? Have you found that complaining to management makes a difference? Do you try to work things out in advance of the event, and still have problems when you arrive? If you have found a way around this type of rule, I would love to hear about it!

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