Thursday, May 3, 2012


I admit it - I am a reality show addict. My favorites are Dancing With the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, Amazing Race and Survivor. In fact, I have seen every season of Survivor since its inception. But one of the players in this season's show has really rubbed me the wrong way (and that's putting it mildly).

Alicia Rose, a 25 year old special education teacher from Chicago, made the following statement about another player during last week's show:

"Christina's IQ is probably a zero … I don't know if that even exists. I mean, I'm a special ed teacher, so uh, I handle Christina as one of my students. And she's gonna do whatever we tell her to do."

Really nice, eh? Wouldn't you want Alicia teaching her children with disabilities? And is her school district really going to let her come back to her job after the show?

Personally, I think Alicia Rosa better win that Survivor million bucks, because to me her current career path doesn't exactly have the brightest of futures.

1 comment:

  1. Ew. I have a ton of kids who test very low on the IQ test, but they are smart, wonderful, intelligent kids, and quite frankly, numbers on an IQ test aren't going to change that.

    Also, that's just a jerky statement.
    She doesn't deserve to work with kids with special needs.

    May she be forced to eat dung in the next challenge.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...