Friday, June 15, 2012

Strolling The Web

Here are a few things that caught my eye this week on my Internet meanderings...

You've probably heard already about the Judge Rotenberg Center and its use of shock therapy on children. In this video, one of the center's lawyers is interviewed by Anderson Cooper:


Did you realize that Goodwill Industries, one of the leading employers of people with disabilities, doesn't even pay minimum wage? I didn't, and in fact, I had high hopes that Goodwill might be an employer for one of my children in the future. Now I don't know....


Apple announced it new iOS 6 operating system this week and with it comes some very important accessbility features for students with disabilities and anyone with vision or hearing impairments.


Misty Cargill, a 30 year old woman with intellectual disabilities, died while waiting for a kidney transplant. Though the hospital said she didn't have the mental capacity to make an informed decisions about a transplant, Tim Shriver, chairman of the Special Olympics, writes "Lurking below the surface is the more likely reason for denial: Someone determines that people with intellectual disabilities are inferior, human beings of lesser value, the last priority." I agree wholeheartedly with his statement and as a parent of children with intellectual disabilities, it scares the hell out of me.


And finally, get out your tissues. Jess, at Diary of a Mom, wrote this very poignant blog post for all parents of children with disabilities. It is, as is most of her writing, magnificent.


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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