Monday, June 11, 2012

What A Coincidence!

It seems like the older one gets, the more interesting coincidences occur. For example, when I showed up for my 20th high school reunion, I noticed a person that I had been working with for about 4 years. Our high school was in a city two hours away from where we both lived and worked. I had no idea that we had even gone to the same high school, much less graduated the same year. We both had quite a laugh over that!

One of the more interesting coincidences of recent note is that the doggie daycare the Cooper now goes to used to be the regular daycare that my children attended! Here is their picture on the first day of one of their elementary school years:

And here is Cooper having a blast at that same facility (granted, there have been some major changes). Cooper is the one hogging the pool!

So what interesting coincidences have you experienced?

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