Friday, August 31, 2012


Just 5 more days.

Ronnie has been counting down to the start of school. He wanted it to start like yesterday, and the waiting has been very tough for him.

Do you wonder why? Well, he is anxious to get back to our neighborhood school - last year we tried a different school with an emphasis supposedly on students with hearing impairments. (Didn't work). He's anxious to see the teachers and staff who think he is just the bee's knees. He's anxious to get back to the special basketball squad for students with disabilities at the school. But mostly, he's anxious to get back to see THE GIRL.

I have to put THE GIRL in all caps because it completely expresses the joy in his eyes when he thinks of her. THE GIRL actually graduated a year ago, but because she couldn't find employement, and because she was receiving special education services and was not yet 22 years old, she can apparently decide to come back to school this year.

When Ronnie heard that it was like the heavens opened and the angels started to sing.

Me? Not so excited.

You see, THE GIRL is a player. Moving between boys faster than a constant lane changer on a busy highway. But when those moves bring her back to Ronnie with many proffered statements of undying love, he melts into a puddle of goo!

I just wish there were ways a mother could warn her son about THOSE GIRLS such that the son would believe, understand and move on to the girl, the lower case girl that would hold his hand without furtively checking out every other boy that walked by, the girl that wouldn't constantly say "I love you", but would show in her eyes that Ronnie was important and special to her.

Any lower case girls that might be attending Tucker High School in 5 days and who are willing to find out just how special my son is, call me.

1 comment:

  1. "faster than a constant lane changer on a busy highway" thats golden nice one


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