Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Well, it is the morning of the first day of school and I haven't heard from a bus driver. Will Ashley and Ronnie get picked up this morning? Will the bus be a wheelchair bus? Will the school transportation folks be glad to hear from me?

Time will tell.....

UPDATE - Mid-morning

I began my calls to the school transportation office about 7am. Although the phone was answered three times, three times I was mysteriously disconnected. Finally on the fourth call, I was told a bus number and pickup time.

And lo and behold, the bus did actually show up and it was only 6 minutes late. I think that is a new first day of school record.

The bus driver was somewhat familiar to me, and he seemed to recognize Ashley. The aide - OMG - I wonder what retirement home they recruited him from. He had to lower the wheelchair ramp, make sure Ronnie was positioned correctly, raise the ramp, and then close the ramp door. The only took 10 minutes!

I was late for work and probably will be the rest of this school year.

Now, I wonder how the afternoon bus drop off will go....????

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