Thursday, December 13, 2012

Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

Ashley asked me to write her letter to you this year. She really only wants one thing for Christmas - a break!

Between the (still) swollen leg and foot, the too-many-to-count ear infections, the physical abuse inflicted by a school employee, and now, the unexplained scary rash on her right arm, she says she has had enough.

She really isn't greedy. She understands that people have to deal with illnesses and injuries, and she is indeed willing to endure her fair share. It what comes above that fair share that she doesn't want.

So, she said you could forget the toys, the clothes, the makeup, and the other wonderful things you have brought her in the past. She really only wants a break. Do you think you can find one of those in your magic bag?

I really hope so!

Cordially yours,
Ashley's Mom

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