Tuesday, December 11, 2012

That Scary Man in the Red Suit

I must admit that the worst part of the Christmas holidays has always been trying to get my children's pictures taken with Santa. The picture to the right was my last attempt at getting a picture of Ashley with Santa. I cajoled her personal care aide into attempting the meeting, hoping that if Ashley was with someone other than me, she might behave differently. (I was wrong...)

I have a whole slew of pictures and even a couple of videos of my oldest son taken with Santa. But I only have a couple of pictures with Ashley, taken when she was an infant. I've tried over the years with her, but after three annual pictures of her screaming as she was being led up to Santa, I gave up.

Had something like this, A Caring Santa, been around, I might have been a little more successful. According to the Caring Santa website, "Children with special needs and their families are invited to a special photo session with Caring Santa in an environment set up to support the sensory, physical and other developmental needs of kids with all abilities." You may want to check the website to see if the Caring Santa is going to be at a mall near you.

What about you? Do you have any special techniques or strategies for getting a picture with Santa for you child with sensory or other developmental needs?


  1. I found out last week that our local disability resource center was scheduling appointments with santa, and it was catered to children with SN, however no one told us about it until all the slots were full!

    Argh. P is older this year so I think she will be OK but it was a nice idea.

    I'll have to check out the caring santa site.

  2. Just The Tip, I think there is a location in Fredricksburg for Caring Santa...


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