Monday, January 7, 2013

A Treasured Moment

She's back!!!!

I have spent the last two weeks with family and friends - doing lovely fun things - eating lots of good food - and resting and 'centering' myself. It was a break that I desperately needed. The stressors in my life had grown so large that I wasn't doing well. But now I feel ready to face the world again.

I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions, but this year I wanted to do something, something to extend the peace that I found during the last weeks of the year. I know that once I get back into my work life and the children are back into their school life, things will once again get hectic. I don't think I can change the hectic - it's just the nature of our lives. But I can do something to bring myself back from the edge if life starts zooming out of control again. My project, or resolution, to do that is called 'A Treasured Moment', or ATM for short.

My days are filled with so many touching moments, but it's easy to overlook or forget them when life gets crazy. This year I don't want to forget them. I want to tuck them away and have them to go to whenever I need to find a moment of peace and joy. My goal will be to state each day one treasured moment that I enjoyed that day. It can be something small or something large, but it will be a moment that I want to always remember, a moment that I felt gently touch my heart. I will publish my moment (ATM) at the end of each blog post so that just like when I need cash, I go to my bank's ATM, when I need building up, I will go to my heart's ATM.

Here's wishing all of you a year filled with treasured moments to fill your heart and soul!

ATM - Ashley's giggle from under the covers when I went to get her up this morning!

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