Thursday, January 17, 2013

One Bad Mother .......

Do you ever feel like you're no longer a 'mother' and all that is left is 'mutha'?

Do you have days where you feel like paying for a babysitter and a hotel room for your kids while you stay home, sip wine and watch Lifetime Movie Network all night long?

Days when the cook in you would be happy with pop tarts for dinner, or the maid in you no longer sees the dust or how big the laundry pile is getting? Days when the nurse in you has wiped a month's worth of snot and it is only the 10th day of the month? Days when the chauffeur in you lies and says all the tires are flat on the family limousine, or the tutor in you says, "Just as long as you pass".

Days when the event planner is all out of events, the laundress develops a new rash when around laundry soap, or the finder of all things lost in the house loses herself?

If so, what do you do? How do you recharge and rediscover your momentum and desire to be the best mother in the world, or at least in your children's eyes? What are your secrets?

I need to know.

ATM: Ronnie's sparkly eyes when I told him this morning that snow was in the forecast!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I have no idea, but I'm right there with you!! I have a little herb garden in my window, tending to that is validating. Plants are a helluva lot easier than children...


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