Friday, February 8, 2013

My Friend

There are few things in the world better than having that one special friend that you can always go to. When you are happy and want to share your joy – when you are sad and need someone to cry with you – when you feel like the last bit of life has been sucked out of you and you need someone to help you refill.

Whether we talk every hour, every day, every week, or whenever we both have time to hold the phone in our hands for a few minutes, every moment is special. Every word shared like a warm blanket being wrapped around our shoulders.

Both our lives can spiral out of control at a moment’s notice, but we each know where to go for that hand to hold you fast.

There is never judgment, condescension, or dismissal. Just understanding, empathy, and comraderie.

You, my friend, know who you are. And I hope you know how grateful I am to have you in my life.

ATM: The smile on Ashley's face when I wake her and tell her that it is Friday!.

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