Thursday, February 28, 2013

This and That

I'm still battling the flu, and I am sure you don't want an entire post detailing the coughing, sneezing, body aches and fever. But here are a few random things that have popped up during my recovery. I'm sure I will cover some of them in more detail when I'm back to my well self.


Finally, finally I have gotten a cat scan scheduled for Ashley's hip, leg and foot. Yea, the one that has been swollen since last October!!! I still don't know what the insurance company's problem was, but I have decided to take it for what it is and find the money to pay for it later. Oh, and the weather forecast for next Wednesday, the day of the scan, is calling for a snowstorm. Go figure.


I have a surprise announcement about Ashley and an award she will be receiving! I haven't gotten the official notification yet, but I did receive a phone call letting me know she had won. Although I am about to burst with wanting to tell you about it, I need to wait for the official notification..


All Ronnie's excuses about not being able to do some of his chores are no longer going to work. After receiving his standing wheelchair, I haven't found anything he isn't able to do. Take that, teenage laziness!


How can it be that Chip is graduating from college (!) in just a few short months. Didn't I just attend his high school graduation?? Oh, and anyone with a job in the Information Systems field, please keep him in mind!

Enough for now - my comfy counch and blanket are calling my name. Hopefully I will be back to a regular posting schedule soon. Hope all of you have avoided the flu this year....

1 comment:

  1. Anxiously awaiting the MRI results. I can't believe they still haven't approved it!

    Hopefully once it shows something you can get that to them with a snarky appeal letter lol.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...