Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Keeping the Lights Bright

We've been on vacation at the Outer Banks many times.  So this time we decided to visit places that we hadn't seen on any previous trips.  Some of the places were out of the way, places frequented mostly by locals and not tourists, and along the way we found some wonderful seafood to eat.  But we also decided to visit some lighthouses.

I think we've never done this before because I knew we wouldn't be able to climb the lighthouses.  There's really no way to make that accessible for wheelchair users.  But what I didn't realize it that there are usually small museums associated with each lighthouse and they are jammed packed with interesting information about the lighthouse and the area.

Our favorite was the Bodie Lighthouse.  It was recently renovated and just reopened a few months ago.  There was a great little museum and gift shop, and some of the best handicapped restrooms around.  All this is run by the National Park Service, and they are doing a marvelous job.

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