Monday, September 30, 2013

Walk A Mile In My Shoes

This past Saturday, Chip, Ronnie, Ashley and I participated in the Broad Street Mile Fun Run. The event had 16 different one mile runs, each supporting a different charity. Our run, the No Limits Mile, supported Sportable, the organization that offers many different sporting opportunities for people who are blind or have physical disabilities. Sportable is the group that sponsors Ronnie's wheelchair basketball, fencing, and lacrosse teams.

The day was perfect - overcast and about 70 degrees. The one mile route was flat and straight - a very good thing considering it has been probably 20 years since I did any running at all.

This event was a starting point for us. Our goal is to participate in our city's 10k one year. It probably won't be this year, but we are hoping for next year!!

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