Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Special Exposure Wednesday

My son, Chip, has done a fantastic job of helping Ashley become more independent. When we wanted Ashley to start going to the grocery store to make some purchases, he was the one who designed an easy-to-read shopping list for her. He used actual pictures of the items she wanted to buy, and then put a number beside the item to represent how many of a particular item she needed/wanted. The result was Shopping-List-1.0, which used a printout of the list and a clipboard.

But, Ashley seemed to find carrying the clipboard a little cumbersome. So, Chip then had the idea of using an iPod for the list. It was easy to hold on to (came with a little strap), and the pictures of the items on the list could be easy adjusted to fit her varying vision needs. Of course, it didn't hurt that the iPod was pink!!

I know Chip wants a career in computers, but I think he is missing his calling by not designing support systems for people with disabilities. Maybe he could marry the two things...

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