Thursday, December 12, 2013

"I just want to pee alone"

I'm sure by now almost everyone has seen the YouTube video by Ylvis, What Does the Fox Say? Here is an hilarious parody of that called, What Does the Kid Say. I like it even more than the original!!


  1. Deborah! I found you again. Can't wait to catch up with everything your family has been up to. I think I remember you

  2. Had adopted a brother for chip:) our family has grown too. We adopted our three foster sons in may of this year. We live in Little Rock and my husband preaches at a little church plant that we love and Im doing part time OT wok at a peds outpatient clinic/developmental pre-school- which I love!! Working with a girl now who is blind and so challenging for me. I always think of you and Ashley

  3. All the incredible ways you taught her and reach her. Are you on Facebook? Would love to see pics. Find us!! CoryChristinaJones

  4. Hi Christina! It's great to hear from you! Yes, I have 5 kids also, but only 3 still at home - Ashley, Chip and Ronnie, our newest family member! I'll go see if I can find you on Facebook.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...