Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"Life From A Different Perspective"

Last week, I posted a picture on FaceBook of Ashley viewing the world upside down. She was playing with some Legos, and I included the text "Life, from a different perspective." After seeing the picture on FaceBook, a lovely young woman and former caregiver for Ashley, wrote the following poem, and it truly warmed my heart and let me know that my darling girl really does impact the lives of those who cross her path...

For my very special friend, Ashley

I am as different as different can be
there is nothing or no one as different as me
I have different eyes that see different things
A different love that loves a different way
When I touch, I feel things differently
When I listen, I hear things differently
When I dream, I dream things differently
When I sing, I make music as different as differently can be

Different: Distinct, colorful, and unique

I am as colorful as colorful can be
There is nothing or no one as unique as me
I have unique eyes that see very distinct things
A colorful love that loves a very unique way
When I touch, I feel both distinct textures and curves
When I listen, I hear unique sounds of both treble and bass
When I sleep, I dream very colorful things
When I sing, I make music as unique as unique can be

I know you're wondering
And it's ok; I can teach you to be as "different" as me

---Olivia Jones

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