Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Purely and Simply, A Work of Art

Each year, SPARC - the School for The Performing Arts in the Richmond Community sponsors Live Art.  Live Art is a groundbreaking, inclusive arts education program for students of all abilities (with and without disabilities), culminating with a major public concert featuring these students and prominent headlining musicians. Students involved in the program participate in a series of cross-pollenated arts classes that include training in dance, singing, visual art, American Sign Language, mime work, playing musical instruments, visual technologies, spoken word and more. All of the classes combine two or more art forms within a new and unique curriculum that ensures all students will experience a challenging and rewarding semester of classes. The culminating event of this program is a life-changing performance in one of Richmond's largest and most prominent theaters, the Altria Theater. During this performance, world-renowned musicians join the students in a major music concert during which the students perform acts of live art.

Watch this video about Live Art - you will be very glad that you did!

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