Monday, March 31, 2014

Shoes, Racing, Games and Cake!

I was quite an exciting weekend in the Nickerson household!

Ronnie competed in the Monument Avenue 10k race, and came in 2nd in the wheelchair division.  His picture was even in the paper!


Saturday was Ashley's 19th birthday.  I still can't believe I am writing that number!  Take that all you doctors who never believed she would make it past her 2nd birthday...

Ashley is a master of dragging her birthday celebration out for several days.  First, after school and a visit to the doctor, we went to the Mall and she tried on shoes (more Converse, of course!).  On Saturday, we celebrated with a trip to Dave and Busters, and that was followed by her cake.  She was mesmerized by the candles and loved loved loved the icing flowers!

Then Sunday, she asked for pizza for her birthday, which of course she got, and that was followed by more cake.  It was a great weekend for all of us!



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