Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bank Deposit

Ashley had dental surgery today – two teeth extracted. Everything went pretty well with one exception – the dentist had a tough time getting the extraction site to stop bleeding. After pressing gauze to her mouth for about an hour after the surgery, the bleeding had slowed enough that Amy and I decided to bring her home. However, the bleeding continued for another couple of hours at home.

She is doing fine now – still groggy from the anesthesia – but the excessive bleeding has me really worried about her upcoming brain surgery. Aren’t there things doctors can do to stop or slow bleeding? At least there is one comforting thought – her brother, Chip, and I both have the same blood type she does. I’m calling the doctor tomorrow to see if we can ‘bank’ some blood for Ashley’s surgery…

1 comment:

  1. I am O- so I would love to go with you to offer some blood for Ash as well...



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