Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for:

  • The fact that in a week and a half, I get a week’s vacation

  • That I had Amy to help me today with Ashley – getting her to her surgery, offering support during the surgery, and helping me get Ashley home. I could not have gotten Ashley in the house without her help. I really, really need a ramp built….

  • Barbecued chicken and corn on the cob

  • That I was finally able to figure out and repair a nagging problem with my laptop computer

  • That in just two days, I will be visiting Lynnette and Brooke

  • That my house payment went down $75 for the next twelve months

  • That the Department of Education is asking parents of children receiving special education services what their opinion of those services are. Now, if there will just follow through with the survey results, I will be even more thankful.

  • That it has been so hot that our grass is not growing. Slow growing grass = less mowing!

  • That Rock won on Hell’s Kitchen. He was my favorite and he is from my home state!

  • That there have been no hurricanes threaten our area yet this year

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