Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • that people are not afraid to share and talk about the atrocities of institutionalization (see post below)

  • that Mother Nature gave us Virginians a special gift of balmy, spring-like weather the last few days. Next week, it is back to scarves, mittens, and heavy jackets.

  • that Amy, Ashley's aide, didn't really break the Internet. It was just my router that conked out :)

  • for the young woman who approached me in WalMart last weekend

  • that even though I can no longer find Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby ice cream, I can find Edy's Peanut Butter Cup

  • for the new medication my rheumatologist prescribed for my rheumatoid arthritis. One pill at night and I wake up with much less pain and stiffness.

  • for the beautiful paintings that Amy gave Jessica for her freshly painted bedroom wall

  • that Brooke is recovering from her yucky illness

  • that the TVs in my house are ready for the switch to DTV

  • for people who smile a lot

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