Thursday, January 10, 2008

When The Moon Come Up

I blogged previously about the human atrocities chronicled in the report "Christmas In Purgatory." Casdok at the Mother of Shrek blog shared this video on that same subject. It was authored by disability advocate Norm Kunc, and I believe needs widespread distribution.


  1. Certainly does. Least we forget!

  2. Just to let you know, I am going to put the video up on my blog too. Very effective. Thanks for posting it.

  3. When The Moon Comes Up I Lie Awake And Wonder[Trackback]
    We're also very lucky ... that it's no longer as it is portrayed in this video.

    I borrowed this video from Ashley's Mom at Pipecleaner Dreams. And she in turn borrowed it from Casdock at Mother of Shrek. In Least We Forget, Casdock talks about the closure of the old "asylum for idiots" in her town...


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...