Friday, June 20, 2008

Left Out - On Purpose

This is the third story on blatant school yearbook discrimination I have heard from the most recently completed school year. And, if I've heard about three, there are more than likely dozens more. How can school district officials think this practice of excluding children with disabilities from the yearbook be acceptable? I really, really hope that parents are not going to stand for this...

Leaving Out Holden and Hunter


  1. Grrrr. My kid was left out of the pictures of graduates that was sent to the local newspaper. We only found out by accident----when the paper called Hubby to proof his company logo.

    Our company was actually SPONSORING the payments of 10 graduates.

    Luckily we had Little Guy's photo online and were able to zip it over to the newspaper hours before deadline. But it still pisses me off.

    Somebody's going to get a nastygram in the autumn when school starts up again.

  2. As you say there are likely to be dozens more.
    Sickening in this day and age.

  3. My son was left out of class pictures this year too. It really is heartbreaking. I am so disgusted at public schools...

  4. Terrible. What are they thinking?

  5. I just don't see how they can do that...when I was in high school, I do remember them having pictures of the special needs children and their teachers...but it was in the very back of the yearbook and not with their actual grade. I wonder how the special needs teachers feel being left out as if they do nothing?!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...