Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • That things went relatively well at the hospital for Ashley today while the doctors addressed issues relating to her three brain tumors

  • for whomever it was that invented anesthesia

  • For the lovely flowers my friend Lynnette sent me for my birthday

  • For Sara and Holly who have been filling in for Amy (Ashley's aide) while she is away for her grandmother's funeral

  • For the slightly cooler temperatures this week. Today is beautiful - low humidity, temperatures in the low 80's

  • For handicapped parking spaces - it makes my job as a mother to a child in a wheelchair so much easier

  • That is just a few short weeks Ashley will have a completely accessible, new bathroom

  • That Amy wants to paint Ashley's bedroom this summer

  • That despite the crazy Spring weather we have had this year (first colder and wetter than usual, followed by scorching August-type temperatures), my vegetable garden is finally starting to flourish

  • For the ice cream truck that rides through our neighborhood every evening, its bell ringing and kids racing to their homes to ask for money from their parents

1 comment:

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