Monday, June 16, 2008

My First Time Hosting!!

I will be hosting a Disability Blog Carnival - MY FIRST ONE - on June 26th. I'm very excited and hope that I can do as grand a job as all the hosts before me have done.

Since this is my birthday month, and since it is one of those often dreaded milestone birthdays, I would like the theme for the carnival to be CELEBRATIONS. I would really like to hear about your definition of celebration. How do you have fun? How do you mark the special moments in your life and your family's life? What things do you celebrate? Big things? Little moments? Who joins you in those celebrations, and who doesn't? Are there barriers that keep you from celebrating the way your would like? What celebratory news have you recently seen in the press? Do you prefer cake with or without ice cream - sorry, I got a little off track there...

I'll get to cake baking and coffee brewing. You get your links emailed to me or by using the form by Monday, June 23rd. And, while you are thinking about CELEBRATIONS, check out the current disability blog carnival, hosted by Emma at The Writings of a Wheelchair Princess where the theme is, "If I knew then..."


  1. Weird, I was just thinking earlier today that celebrations would be a great theme to use for the blog carnival. And very apt for your birthday, your first carnival and the 40th carnival which has to be something of a milestone.

  2. I love this theme...I'll get busy writing.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...