Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today I didn't make my bed.

Today I put real butter on my morning toast.

Today I drove the longer, more scenic route to work.

Today I had cookies for lunch - just cookies.

Today I told everyone at work that they had to be nice to me.

Today for dinner, my oldest son is cooking me a steak on the grill - rare, please.

Today I will add a quarter mile to my evening power walk.

Today I will watch a sappy chic flick while eating homemade coconut ice cream.

Today Loreal and I will take care of the gray hair making its debut appearance.

Today I will drift off to sleep while reading the new book that Amy gave me yesterday.

Today is my birthday.

Happy Birthday, Me.


  1. Happy Birthday to You! I'm glad you had a good day. :)

  2. Happy Birthday!
    Hope you had a great one. :D

  3. Sending you a belated Happy Birthday wish!

  4. Happy birthday, Deborah. I hope you took time for yourself - time to laugh, cry and reflect, time to give thanks and to realize how many people give thanks for you.

  5. Belated happy birthday to you!! :)


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