Friday, July 11, 2008

Join Me For A Stroll

I’ve strolled a little off my usual blogland path this week and discovered some great new blogs (well, new to me). I thought I would share!

Dave Lupton, who goes by the alter ego name of Crippen, is a cartoonist from the UK. His work is simple and to the point, and although some of the humor didn’t travel well from the UK to my brain, most of the issues he addresses are very near and dear to my heart. Shown belos is one of his cartoons I really liked.

Dave describes the cartoon as "This cartoon shows a young white man displaying signs of cerebral palsy and sitting in a wheelchair. He is pointing at a large piece of cardboard on the floor with one of his feet and is grinning. The board is split into four equal squares and each square has a word in it. The word he is pointing to is 'Bollocks'. The other squares have such words as 'Crap', 'Up yours' and 'F*ck off' printed on them. On the wall behind him is a large white board on which is written 'Care Plan - let care team manage all money, make all decisions, sit around all day watching TV etc.'. A very anxious looking man with care team printed on his t-shirt is looking down at the word board and is thinking: Not sure it was a good idea giving him this new word board!"

After laughing with Dave, I stopped by to visit Terri at Barriers, Bridges and Books. A Partners In Policymaking graduate and a committed advocate, her blog just screams her passionate embrace of disability advocacy and cultural change.

Another one of my favorite blogs is A Stellar Life, written by Diane Standiford. Diane stops by to visit and comment on my blog, and I now find myself reading hers every day. Like my dear friend, Lynnette, Diane has MS and reading what Diane shares on that subject has helped me understand the struggles Lynnette faces on a regular basis. But even more important than that, I adore Diane’s celebration of diversity and her analysis of many current events.

And finally, I enjoyed my visit this week to the I’m Not Wrong blog. Katrin says it all in her title tagline, “I’m tired of being told who I should be by those who are not Me.” Hear, hear!!!


  1. I will have to check these out. I love I'm Not Wrong.

  2. Hmm, I think I may have clicked the wrong button.

  3. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! Glad you enjoyed it! :-) Will have to return the favor now :-)

  4. They sound interesting! Cheers, its amazing what you can find out there.

  5. I have been un-blogging for way too long and this afternoon I was catching up--imagine my surprise at seeing my own face on your blog! Thank you!

    PS: whatever happened to the girl who fell off her bike and hurt her head? I think of her every time I go for a walk this summer.

  6. Terri, I have seen the family again traveling through the neighborhood. The little girl is being pulled in a wagon, and her brother is still riding his bike without a helmet. I've tried to strike up a conversation, but the family does not appear to speak English and seem very shy. Other than just riding in the wagon, the little girl seems ok. I hope she really is...

  7. Thanks, I enjoy your blog as well. :-)


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...