Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful…

  • For the great long weekend I shared with my brother and beautiful niece, Melody.

  • That I finally learned how to do a passable job of styling Ashley’s curly, wavy hair. Thanks for the lessons, Miss Amy!

  • For the quiet day at the office today. Lots of folks are on vacation and that means I can finally get some work done.

  • For Einstein sun-dried tomato bagels with low fat veggie schmear – yum!

  • That I have little baby cucumbers – lots and lots of them – in my vegetable garden. And my parsley is growing like a weed. I can already taste the marinated cucumber salad I am going to make!

  • That I have now seen bright yellow Goldfinches in my yard 5 days in a row.

  • That I actually convinced Chip to put on a tux jacket, pleated shirt, and bow tie for his senior class picture. He’s so handsome!

  • That today is the launch of a new website for which I will be writing twice a week. The new site is 5 Minutes for Special Needs. The team of 10 writers has a ton of great information and insight to share. Check it out today beginning at noon. My articles will appear each Sunday and Wednesday.

  • That Corey will be coming home from his two week camp this Saturday. I’ve missed his very annoying but also charming personality.

  • That Miss Wheelchair Virginia has agreed to an interview for this blog. Look for the entry soon!


  1. You have lots of wonderful things to be thankful for... and we at 5 Minutes for Mom are thankful you've joined our team!

  2. I saw three Goldfinches today right in front of my car, sitting in the street. I love them.

  3. Just doing a little late-night (early morning?) surfing and found your blog through another's. Wow! I am impressed and will definitely be back.

    Please come and visit anytime. And, btw, I'd love to join in writing for the Five Minutes bunch if ever another voice is wanted.

    Here's a sample:



Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...