Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nice While It Lasted

Sunday night - 5 hours of sleep - the most in a long, long time.

Monday night - 6 hours of sleep - I was ecstatic and felt good enough to run a marathon (almost).

Tuesday night - 1.5 hours of sleep - oh well, it was nice while it lasted...


  1. Awww...they're just making sure their momma doesn't get spoiled with all that beauty sleep! ;)

  2. 1.5!!!!! That is awful. I feel for you. M has been sleeping well but just when I brag about it all hell breaks loose. Sending prayers you can sleep tonight.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your night last night. I hope you are able to get some rest soon.

  4. Wow is all I have to say! I admire you so much.
    Thank you for finding my daughter's blog. This is just what I was hoping for. I need to connect with mothers who really know what this is all about. I will be keeping in contact if that's o.k.
    Thanks again!

  5. Happycfam, of course it's ok!! I think we will have a lot to share!

  6. A very nice blog, and as mine is, one of the very few involving TEENS with disabilities. I am definately adding you to my favorites list!
    I don't know why you are up so late--I gather that it is due to medical conditions of a child. [I used to be awake at all hours preparing school materials for my daughter (and reading) on the computer. I finally had to be strict with myself (on the reading part) for the sake of my health. I hope you can find the solution/ help you need to sleep!

    Comments on a few older blogs---

    -teen crushes...I think that this is a very normal part of growing up. I remember singing "Where is Love ?" (Oliver Twist) when alone, wondering when I will get my special one. And many kids think they have a friend. I suspect your son realizes the truth, especially since you have talked to him, but he is having trouble accepting it. It will take time. In the meantime, I think that the only positive thing you can do is try to have his day full of fun things, including some PHYSICAL activities....

    the personality characteristics needed for adulthood causing havoc now: Well, Ricki also has a stubborn and "I will decide" attitude. The thing is, these qualities need fine tuning and sanding down. Our children need to learn how and when to use them. And that is also education.

  7. Oh. I can so relate. My deepest condolences. ;D

    Hopefully you'll get an opportunity to catch up on that shut eye!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...