Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • that Amy (pictured to the right) is back from vacation!

  • that the peppers and tomatoes in my garden are almost ready to pick

  • that Amy is back from vacation!

  • for old friends who call out of the blue and brighten a blah day

  • that Amy is back from vacation!

  • for the new blogging friends I have met through my writing at 5 Minutes For Special Needs

  • that Amy is back from vacation!

  • for the rare cool summer night when I can open my bedroom windows and smell the honeysuckle

  • that Amy is back from vacation!

  • that demolition starts this coming Monday for my bathroom remodel

Oh, and did I say I was thankful that Amy is back from vacation???? We are all, and especially Ashley, very very happy now!


  1. I'm just going to make a haphazard guess that you're happy Amy's back from vacation??? :)

  2. I think you might have forgot to mention something ... like maybe Any being back from vacation? :D

  3. Ahh, yes indeed, very pleased indeed.
    Best wishes


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...