Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Moving Tribute

Do you ever wonder if your child with a disability understands and appreciates all that you do for them? Do they comprehend, even at a young age, the battles we fight, the tears we cry, the sleepless nights, and the joys that they have brought into our lives? I'm not sure of the answers to those questions for my children, but when I see a story like the one linked below, it gives me hope.

He's Immobile But His Story Has The Power To Move

Lance Carr's story is in the news today, and he will appear in person on the Today show this Thursday. If you are able to watch, I think it will be time well spent. I know that just reading the story made my heart smile...

1 comment:

  1. Another tough set of questions. I know my parents at times feel they are not appreciated when it comes to my sister. I do think my sister appreciates what my parents do for her.

    A tough thing to wrestle with as a parent. Worth it all though.


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