Monday, September 29, 2008

Spreading The Word

Yesterday, the support organization of which I am President, Dreamcatchers (Families Whose Lives Are Touched by Deafblindness), collaborated with another Virginia support organization, VAAPVI (Virginia Association for Parents of the Visually Impaired), for a family fun day at the University of Richmond. And although the turnout was less than expected, the setting was ideal and I think everyone who attended had a great time.

Ashley's intervener, the lovely Miss Amy, helped set up and man the Dreamcatcher tables. We had our great (donated) banner, some new brochures, and pictures of both our past annual family retreats and of Chancellor, one of our adorable Dreamcatcher children who was called back to Heaven earlier this year.

The King Family (Brian, Emily and the handsome young Noah), also one of our Dreamcatcher families, joined us to help out and spread the Dreamcatcher message to all the families and professionals in attendance. (And no, the red-headed person is NOT part of their family!)

And Noah and Ashley also managed to work in some fun for themselves! Noah enjoyed showing his Dad how to hammer nails to build a birdhouse, and Ashley made sure the fire engine had correctly spelled 'Dial 911'.

Ashley's favorite, however, was not the face painting, the balloon toss, the free food, or the clowns. Nope - her day was complete when she found the orange traffic cones!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great time. I am glad Ashley enjoyed it!

    I always thought Ronald Mc D looked a tad....scary.


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