Thursday, October 2, 2008

I don't get it...

The women featured in the film spend hundreds of dollars on "reborns" -- dolls with beating hearts, tiny veins and other bizarrely realistic features -- and treat them just like actual babies, diaper changes and all.


  1. It seems kind of sad...the lady at the end who lost her boy, and just wanted him back. It seems really sad, in fact. :(

  2. I also saw something on this... really weird. Still probably cheaper than college, and the baby never grows up to be an orney teen.
    They are missing out on the real fun....

  3. I heard about this too. Very odd.

    When I visit my Grandmother in the nursing home, she is in the alzheimers unit. Well they give the ladies large baby dolls. The women can be seen sitting and rocking them, hugging them and pretending to burp them. It is one of the saddest, most touching things I have seen. I guess it calms them down and gives them something to do. I almost passed out when I saw if for the first time because it was just so sad. My Grandma does not like holding the baby dolls.


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