Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for homemade apple sauce, homemade apple pie, apple slices with peanut butter - yes, it is apple season in Virginia!

  • for that 5 minutes each morning just before my alarm goes off, when I am as relaxed, warm and cozy as a hot bowl of porridge.

  • for crunchy leaves on my front porch steps.

  • for the flu shot I am getting this afternoon.

  • for drivers who slow up just a bit to let you merge into busy traffic

  • for new toothbrush day

  • for pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin butter, pumpkin anything

  • for unexpected emails from old friends I haven't heard from in a while

  • for time spent tucking my garden in to wait for another springtime

  • that my back feels so much better since grab bars were installed in Ashley's new bathroom


  1. You forget to mention that Max and his partner are still on Dancing With the Stars! Chuckle! I love pumpkin anything, too. Barbara

  2. Barbara, I only left out a comment about Maks because I didn't want my readers to think I was totally obsessed with him (which I am)! Did you see him dancing with the professional dancer this week? Goodness me, but that man can move!!!

  3. I love apple season! We went apple picking 2 weeks ago, and we have made apple betty, apple tarts and have eated quite a few plain ol' apples! YUM!

  4. You have time to make all those homemade foods?!? Quess someone else out there is thankfull to you!


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