Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Special Exposure Wednesday

She cooks and she cleans up!! But Justin, her friend and classmate has that look of 'barefoot and pregnant' in his eye - no way Jose!

Be sure to visit all the other great photos at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. Cooking is one of the best ways to spend with a friend! Great shots.

  2. I wish I had a cute little guy to share the cooking with! Wait...I do have one, or two, or seven!

  3. Great photos! Fabulous abilities shown for all to see. Love it! Thanks!

  4. It's great she has a friend to cook with! Love the pictures! Happy WW!

  5. That's great! How nice she likes to cook and has a friend to cook with! That always makes cooking more fun!

  6. Great pictures! Cooking with friends is one of life's great pleasures. Happy to see she is enjoying herself :0)

  7. Awesome! Maizie actually asked if she could help make her mashed potatoes the other day. I about passed out since she had been refusing to help do any cooking for quite some time.

  8. That's great, thanks for sharing. I love it.

  9. Please tell Ashley that I really like her top! :)


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