Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for my beautiful pink rosebush that has just exploded in blooms recently. It really seems to love the cool nights and warm days.

  • for the first whiff of wood smoke in the morning

  • when the HOT DOUGHNUTS sign is on at the Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop. It means hot and fresh doughnuts are coming off the line at that very moment...

  • that I got to spend last Saturday visiting a college with my high school senior son

  • for Tylenol. I have a killer headache this morning.

  • for the golden carpet of leaves on my front yard.

  • for toys that don't require batteries - balls, blocks, books, and cardboard boxes

  • that the final presidential debate if over.

  • that I don't have lots of money invested in the stock market. Sometimes being poor is not a bad thing.

  • for pumpkin anything - pie, butter, ice cream, etc.


  1. Today I am thankful for the beautiful pipecleaner art work that Ashley sent Maizie. We love it! I think I am going to fight to have it placed where I can see it often! I just love it. Please tell Ashley that we love her art and are going to put it in a place of honor. What a treat! Thank you very much!

  2. Pumpkin anything! Debates over! Being poor! Woo Hoo TGiF too!!

  3. I agree with everything on your list, especially the doughnuts! Yum!

    I always see you post on Marla's website and like you picture, thought I'd check out your blog!

    I'll be back!

  4. Welcome, Bonnie! And I'll definitely be visiting your blog regularly also. Your son is so handsome!



Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...