Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Give The Blind Kid a Knife?

I don't think so! But that doesn't mean Ashley can't have her own wonderful pumpkin. She designed this one with little Lite-Brite-like things that she pounded into the pumpkin. I think it turned out really well.

Make sure to check out all the other great pictures at 5 Minutes For Special Needs - Special Exposure Wednesday!


  1. What a cool idea! The pumpkin turned out great!

  2. That's great! What a perfect pumpkin!

  3. Notwithstanding Ashley's excellent work - I love your title, Deborah.

  4. Vision problems are the most minor of details to real artists like Ashley. What a cute pumpkin!

  5. I love that idea!!!! We had Rebecca draw the pumpkin and then we carved it, but I love this much better - WAY TO GO MOM!!


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