Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for friends who offer to loan you money when times are tight, but who really understand when you decline their offer

  • for a soft, knitted bed jacket - a tad old fashioned but most welcome since my bedroom is the coldest room in the house

  • for a new EGR valve and the fact that my car is no longer running 'rich' as the repair person said - of course, after paying for the new valve, I am running 'poor'

  • for auto repair shops willing to work with you on a large expense

  • for pot roast and garlic mashed potatoes on a cold autumn night

  • that I have two teenaged sons to rake up all the leaves in our yard

  • that MAKS got a lot of 'face time' on this week's Dancing With The Stars. Of course, his face wasn't what I was watching ;)

  • for my lovely niece, Melody, who today turns 20 years old!

  • that Rocky dog smells so much better after his bath last Tuesday

  • that in just a couple of days, I will be seeing Lynnette and her beautiful daughter, Brooke

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I wish I had someone to rake for me today! Tomorrow I have to bag it all. Ugh.


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