Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Special Exposure Wednesday

I wrote a while back about Ashley using a Body Sox in therapy, and how she tried imitating the practice at home, even though we didn't have a Body Sox. Then, the always dazlious Marla and her beautiful daughter, Maizie, sent me a Body Sox that Maizie had but didn't like.

Needless to say, Ashley loves it, as the pictures below attest...


  1. Looks great! How lovely of Marla and Maizie :)

  2. I have never seen one of those before! It looks great.

    (Tiff & Ivy)

  3. Oh! Ashley makes me so happy! I can tell she really likes the body sox. Thank you so much for sharing these photos. Maizie and I are both very happy to see how much Ashley likes it.

  4. What a pretty, happy young lady! Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. Wow ~ very neat! I have never seen a body sox before. Looks like she really enjoys it!

  6. What a wonderful gift! Looks like she is having a great time with it. :)


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