Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • and proud to be an American. Regardless of your political leanings, the fact that our country will have an African/American president speaks volumes. As a people, we are putting bigotry behind us, and I believe, our futures and the futures of our children will be better for that.

  • that November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Why not consider opening your homes and your hearts to a child who waits...

  • for the red and gold carpet covering all the yards in my neighborhood

  • that my state Department of Education found my school district to be in non-compliance concerning the complaint I filed the first week of this current school year. More on this in a later post....

  • that the leftover Halloween candy is almost gone

  • for friends who really understand when I open wide my heart and spill its contents

  • for a cup of cranberry green tea just before bed

  • that my car made it a whole week without the check engine light coming back on

  • for technology that can give us things like holographic reporters on election night

  • for Ashley's sweet smile when she first opens her eyes each morning

1 comment:

  1. I too am so thankful for adoption! I feel like God had M in mind for us from the day Joe and I met.


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