Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for a son who likes to cook dinner for me, and who does a great job with it! Loved last night's chimichangas!

  • for the researchers and companies who have developed and continue to develop new seizure medications. Although I don't like that Ashley is on so many of them, I am eternally grateful that they keep her seizures almost under control.

  • for companies and businesses who care enough to make their buildings accessible.

  • for my beautiful purple phlox that are currently in full bloom

  • for my sign language teacher, Reba. I think I will forever hear in my head, "Not English, Not English!"

  • for the new hairdresser who used her special comb to thin Ashley's hair a bit. Ashley no longer looks like a wooly mammoth

  • that Ashley refuses to listen to people who tell her she will never be able to do something she chooses to do. She has proven so many people wrong in the past and continues to do so every day. So there!

  • for jellybeans - lots and lots of jellybeans - especially the black ones

  • for my Humira shots. They keep my rheumatoid arthritis under control and help make my life so much easier. If only they didn't sting so much...

  • for my former in-laws and their generous nature when it comes to my son, Chip. Through their generosity, college will be made possible. Thank you!

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