Friday, April 10, 2009

Things That Caught My Eye This Week

I’m a Facebook user and have often wondered how accessible it was to someone who is blind. I have JAWS, the screen reader software, at work, but am not supposed to go on Facebook at work. So, I was pleased to find the following news story about Facebook’s commitment to making its site more accessible. Improvements will include:

  • Audio CAPTCHA.

  • Full HTML version of the site to make it easier for screen readers to decipher.

  • Facebook Chat accessible by screen readers.

  • Addition of a "no javascript" version of Facebook Gift Shop.

  • Shortcut keys to major areas of the site.


This week was the season opening for baseball. My sons have spent most of their Spring Break from school watching game after game on some TV subscription service they saved their money to buy. Yesterday, Mark Wetzel’s story appeared on the Sports Illustrated website. Mark is legally blind and is one of the most successful baseball hitting coaches in the world. After reading the article at Sports Illustrated, check out his personal website, The Blind Guy.


Now from the land of ‘what the hell’, check out this story about Eddy Morten. Eddy Morten has Usher’s Syndrome, a condition causes him to be deaf and blind. Air Canada refused to let Mr. Morten travel on their plane alone. Mr. Morten is the father of two and is a Paralympic bronze medalist in Jude, and he can’t fly on a plane alone???? What is up with that?


Hope Everyone has a safe and happy Easter, and finds lots of hidden eggs!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update on Mr. Morten. I wrote about his story before, just after the airlines in Canada were forced by the courts to pass a One Passenger/One Fare policy, requiring them to allow a support person to fly for free.

    I hadn't realized that the policy only covered domestic flights though. Which I think is ridiculous. As is Air Canada's approach and attitude to Mr. Morten.

    So I've updated and linked to you here.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...