Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday

This past weekend, the boys and I took in the Atlanta Braves/Baltimore Orioles baseball game in Baltimore. Even though the game wasn't scheduled to start until 1:30pm, the boys insisted we arrive by 9:30am. While waiting (a really long time) for the gates to open, we visited the Sports Legends Museum. I think Corey has some very big shoes to fill.....

Make sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. I am sooooo jealous! We've ordered a month of Major League Baseball as a special treat. America's pastime isn't quite as popular in Russia for some reason. :)
    Congrats to the Orioles, by the way, at least on the 3rd game of the series, as much as it hurts me to say it!

  2. That is a really cool picture. I bet they had a GREAT time!

  3. Great pic! My guys love baseball already and they're just 4! My hubby moonlights at Yankee Stadium (via NYPD) so baseball is a part of our lives.


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