Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for the beautiful pictures Amy and her friend took of Ashley and presented to me on my birthday. I LOVE THEM!

  • for the wonderful time the boys and I had in Baltimore this past weekend. We walked the Inner Harbor, Little Italy, and the most exciting thing, saw a Major League baseball game.

  • for my vegetable garden bounty - cucumbers, tomatoes and squash by the basketfulls

  • that Chip and I survived his college orientation held two days this week. Now if I can just get over the shock of the cost of his books...

  • for the special birthday card I received from my friend, Lynnette, and that her sweet daughter, Brooke, is feeling better this week

  • and that June is almost over. This month has been way, way too busy and I am looking forward to July. My July calendar only has one square filled. I know that will change but hopefully not too much.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley's Mom,

    I recently found your blog and have greatly enjoyed reading the joys and challenges you experience with your family. I also think the idea of "Thankful Thursday" is just wonderful. It's a great reminder that everyone should take time to appreciate all the fantastic people in our lives and small reasons why we should be thankful each and every day.

    Thank you for reminding me to take my moment of reflection today.



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