Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday

When I became an adult and moved into the housing market, I always dreamed of a house with a large magnolia tree in the yard. About eleven years ago, I found and purchased that house - huge tree and all. Not only did I get the type of tree I wanted, I got one that produces the most magnificent, creamy white blooms every year! My son took this picture of this year's first bloom...

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. So stunning it doesn't look real! Lucky you to have such a beautiful tree to remind you of God's gifts in nature.

  2. So beautiful! My grandparents had two big magnolia trees in their front yard,this brings back good memories.

  3. Mmmm on dreams coming true! That is a fantastic picture tat your son took -- good job!

  4. GORGEOUS!! I adore looking at peaceful:)


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