Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for the special bus drivers Ashley has had for her ESY services. I wish all her bus drivers and aides could be as caring.

  • that Chip is finishing up his first week as a research assistant in the VCU biomedical engineering lab. On the first day, he was a little overwhelmed and wanting to throw in the towel. But he stuck it out and is now enjoying it.

  • that my garden is producing enough vegetables that I am able to share them with neighbors and friends/

  • that the final step in completing my adoption home study happened this week. As soon as the final document is written up, I can begin the search to find my new son or daughter

  • for suntan lotion and self-tanners. I can look like I've been out on the beach without the worry of skin cancer

  • for VOPA (the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy) for once again assisting me in ensuring Ashley receives the services to which she is entitled

  • for lazy summer afternoons spent on a blanket under a cool shade tree

  • that Ashley hasn't had an ear infrection for about three weeks now - a new record!

  • that Jessica is no longer angry with me because I won't let her have a 40 year old boyfriend (she is 18 years old).

  • that beginning July 1st, it will be illegal to drive and text message in my state.

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