Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday

For a child who is blind like Ashley, the world becomes a very tactile place. Ashley loves creating art, and her works always have a tactile component. Here is her latest - She took Legos and put them in the holes of the baby/pet gate at our back door. Look closely and you will see that they form a heart.

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. That is SO cool! I saw the heart right away. Awesome art by an awesome girl!

  2. You're so blessed she loves art. My son won't touch "art" with a 10 foot pole.

    He made me promise last summer (after art summer classes) to "never" sign him up again. Lol!

    And I'm an artist! Oh the burn!

  3. Awww -- so they do!

    That is wonderful, experiencing things in a new way. I agree with MaggieMae -- that is awesome!

  4. OMG that is gorgeous
    WHat an artist this child is
    She sees it clearly in her head


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